So You Have Gum Disease – What Periodontitis Treatment Should You Expect?


Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease or periodontitis (an inflammation of the tissue and bone that supports the teeth). Do you regularly experience bad breath or gum bleeding? Or, do you frequently have an unpleasant taste in your mouth? If so, you may already have periodontitis. However, gum disease won’t go away on its own. If left untreated, it may lead to tooth loss – and could also lead to other health complications such as stroke and heart disease. For that reason, you need to seek periodontitis treatment right away.

The purpose of the treatment is to clean the pockets that surround the teeth. In addition, it seeks to prevent further damage to the soft tissue and bone. But, what should you expect when it comes to periodontitis treatment?

Early Periodontitis Treatment

Some of the conservative, non-invasive treatments for periodontitis include:

  • Scaling
    A deep cleaning process. Scaling involves scraping and removing plaque and tartar above and below the gumline with an ultrasonic device.
  • Root planing
    Also called debridement, root planing involves the process of smoothing out the rough areas on the root surfaces of the teeth. This allows gum tissue to heal and prevents further bacteria buildup.
  • Medication
    Dental professionals may prescribe topical and oral antibiotics, mouth rinses, or doxycycline gels. These treat persistent gum disease that does not respond to scaling and planing.

Treatments for Advanced Periodontitis

If these non-invasive treatments are not enough, then your gum condition may have already progressed to a later stage. Your dentist may advise you to undergo a surgical procedure which may include:

  • Flap surgery
    During anesthesia, the gums are lifted back to make it easier to remove tartar in the deep pockets. After cleaning, the gums are sutured back in place.
  • Soft tissue graft
    The dentist takes soft tissue from another part of your mouth to cover up any root surfaces that have been exposed by the receding gums.
  • Bone graft
    New bone tissue is placed in the damaged area to stimulate bone regrowth.



There is no magic pill that will instantly cure gum disease. However, with the help of our dental professionals, you can have the best treatment made available to you. The Premier Dental Group will advise you on the best action to take and can help you restore your teeth and gums to their original healthy state.


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